Thursday, March 20, 2008


'Professeur Nimbus' was a wordless pre-war French comics strip created by former animator André Daix [Delachenal] in 1934. While the initial gags reportedly featured Nimbus as an inventor, his scientist career was eventually phased out even though the professor credential lingered on in the strip's title. Daix became a Nazi-collaborator during the 2nd World War and had to flee his country after the war for exile in Latin America.
Nimbus made his Turkish debut in the children's weekly magazine Yavrutürk which had started publication in 1936. He was renamed as 'Tektel Amca' (Single-hair Uncle). At least in one occasion, he was featured on the cover, which was a quite unusual practice in Yavrutürk as the magazine almost never featured any comics character on its covers. Below are a sample of Nimbus strips published in several issues of Yavrutürk in 1937:

1 comment:

  1. Bu blogu devam ettirmiyorsunuz galiba ama gecikmiş de olsam teşekkür edeyim. Çocukluğumun Tektel Amcasını buldum. Anılarımı yazarken söz edecektim, blogunuza ulaştım. Anılarım yayınlanırsa, tabii ki kaynakta söz edeceğim. Haluk Mesci. (Dilerseniz, @gmail üzerinden bana yazabilirsiniz.
