Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Recently, when received an old issue of Mickey Mouse Weekly which I had bought off ebay, I was delighted to see that the kind seller had also enclosed an incomplete and hence unsellable copy of a pre-war issue (no. 1234, dated Oct. 9th, 1937) of The Rainbow, the pioneer British comics magazine for children, as a surprise bonus! The cover feature on The Rainbow is Tiger Tim, but I intend to cover that character in the next post in this blog, so here are scans of other strips from the copy I received. The above scan is from page 2 (the reverse of the front cover) and the below one from page 9:Judging by the contents notice on the cover, I gather that two more adventure continuity strips were featured in the four central pages missing from the copy I received, 'Chums of the Sea' and 'Secret of the Storm Castle', in addition to 'Full Speed Ahead'. And below is the back cover:I could find no info anywhere on these strips, so if anyone knows anything about them, please let us know.

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